Health / Prescription


Practical solutions for long-term weight loss and health.



  • 01

    Create content for a brand new service/product for weight loss that explains it in the easiest way possible for visitors.

  • 02

    Be inclusive for women who are overweight and address the issues that accompany obesity while giving a positive and uplifting mission.

  • 03

    Find a creative way to present the steps involved in the weight-loss program.



  • 01

    Presenting a new program that has some challenging steps and help visitors to feel that it is doable for them.

  • 02

    Client had no client imagery yet so stock photos had to be used which can be difficult to find the right images that really speak to visitors.

  • 03

    Client did not have branding yet, so we needed to create a feel for the program that could be carried through the site.

  • 04

    Set up forms that are not overwhelming to new clients.


Our Solution

  • 01

    We designed with a positive view of women who are obese but wanting to create some wonderful goals that are attainable.

  • 02

    Stock photos were worked with to create an uplifting story that encourages clients to find their way through the process of weight-loss.

  • 03

    We created a new brand while giving the feeling of familiarity to other know brands in this field, so new clients can feel confident about Prevail services.

  • 04

    We added design for forms that make the process so easy for users to quickly answer questions and get started.

prevail step plan
Website mockup
Website mockup